no the two aren't connected !!
just a few emails I received...firstly from Karin from Oslo who said
- did I ever consider Gene only used to take his so called 'little business trips' away from Tulsa just to pick up women and he finally met his match in some two-bit hooker 24 hours from home that fateful night..
no I hadn't Karin but I suspect you are right !! ;)
and I've also recently heard from Kenny a member of the band Jim's Twenty One who turned up on Podcast 6 and he explained that although they were living in Brussels at the time they weren't Belgies they were "a mix of Scottish, English and Irish" a UK band after all !! And the label Tulip was their own label, though distributed via 53rd & 3rd back in Edinburgh, which is probably how a few copies ended up in Australia. Anyway thanks for the info Kenny !!
there's also some House Of Love 12's over at Humans Beware for your enjoyment