Starting with the 2nd single from the Little Heroes first ( s/titled ) album, then the 3rd ( and as far as I know last ) single from Vixen, a single from The Motivaters ( also s/titled ) album and Mal Green ( late of the Enz ) and a solo single from him.
Then we're back some Result Records from The Eighty-Eights and later Silent Movies ( aka The Jukes earlier in their lives ). Also the legendary "Cicada" single from Outline ( putting Fivedock and a few surrounding suburbs on the aural map - love it ) and a single that's an in-betweenie ( albums I mean ) from Ward 13.
I must admit to have forgotten the finer details on who The Sometimes were...having recorded at Platinum Studios ( in Melbourne ) I suspect they are possibly Victorians. Ye Olde Google trail ( the fallback to my fading memory ) revealed not a whole lot except a post from Cloudberry Roque and he is in the dark as much as me.
The accompanying "From Another Side" following on from bands in this post will be quite full / busy ( again ), it's not finished or up yet ( check back there soon ) but here's a little preview photo for ya
UPDATE - Have finally done the aother mix....check it out here :)
It's a badly focused / lit photo I know but for your enjoyment there will be album tracks and b-sides from Little Heroes, The Motivaters, The Eighty-Eights, The Jukes, Silent Movies, Vixen, Outline, Ward 13, The Eyes, Ves 8, Ignatius Jones and Jimmy & The Boys.
Meantime while I prepare that please enjoy todays' 7's...
#120 - via Box
Sideroom Singles Podcast #120
1. The Last Number One - Little Heroes ( The Giant Recording Co Aust 1981 )
2. Time Out - Vixen ( Alternative Recs Aust 1981 )
3. New Blood - The Motivaters ( Result Recs Aust 1980 )
4. Follow Me - The Mal Green Sound ( Mushroom Aust 1980 )
5. Don't Call Us - The Eighty Eights ( Result Recs Aust 1981 )
6. The Cicada ( That Ate Fivedock ) - Outline ( Powderworks Aust 1981 )
7. Slow Dancer - Ward 13 ( EMI Aust 1981 )
8. Can't Say No - Silent Movies ( Result Recs Aust 1981 )
9. People Go Home - The Sometimes ( no label Aust 1988 )
10. Mirror Mirror - Jimmy And The Boys ( Avenue Aust 1981 )
( duration 31.18, vbr lame mp3 )
Tracklist as PDF, all podcasts #1 - ( current ) #120
Hey mate!...It amazes me with some of your compilations...nice work! stranded
hi again stranded
thanks, I just wish I had more time to dedicate to this stuff - and not have work take up so much of my time and brain power ( only so much of that to go around )
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