wow, I got a mention on Indie MP3 - Keeping C86 Alive! - cool !! thanks guys, given I love your site and have discovered so much great music via you. Ace !! I'm so chuffed.
I also got a mention on Jonny B's blog - which is also cool, given Jonny is a friend of mine and by this blog have accidentally encouraged him to podcast some of his music as well - check it out, he's got some killer tracks in his collection. He also makes mention of a friendly music rivalry between us - cool - bring it on Jonny !! If only you'd tell me who WAS that girl on the tambourine tho....
The Bad
It was a boiling hot and humid day in Sydney today and some clowns are building a house across the road from me, and seem to think they need to use a bloomin' saw/grinder on cement blocks all day.
Here's a photo of the "site" from my front door

and if you look at that ominous pile of cement bricks what I wanna know is why do they have to saw each block in half - hey dudes, ever heard of getting smaller bricks ?? Anyway it put me off the important case of making another podcast, until this afternoon
The Skippy
I am having an issue with the final mp3 seeming to skip a few beats every now and then, which isn't on the original mix I do, just on the mp3 version and I can't figure it. Also some of my vinyl seems to be a bit scratchy I know, I attempted to de scratch some of them today, but that takes ages and I like the simplicity of just grabbing the next 10 records in the pile without having a clue what they will be and recording them. Only takes me 30 mins to do that way !! Anyway this one seems to still have crackles from the vinyl but I'm workin' on that. Just means the vinyl is well loved. I'm not talking "exchange of bodily fluids" type love, just loads of playing, and they are nearly 20 years on in their age, poor old things are getting a bit dotty.
ok enough whinging here's what's on Podcast 3 - oh and I seemed to be in mood for B-sides today ( some weird reaction to the building site across the road ) so there's a few B sides on here !!

1. Wishing On A Star - Choo Choo Train ( Subway 1987/8 ??)
2. A Drop In The Ocean - The Crystal Set ( Red Eye Aust 1985 )
3. Room At The Top - The Motorcycle Boy ( Chrysalis/Rough Trade 1987 )
4. Sun Sea Sand - The Revolving Paint Dream ( Creation 1988 )
5. Ten Years On - The Dagoes ( Phantom Recs Aust 1981 )
6. Dexase Apagar - Mus ( Pop Art/Kontakt 1999 )
7. Horse With No Name - The Jack Rubies ( Idea Records 1987 )
8. Boys With Guitars in Small Town - Simpatico ( Gifted Australia 2001 )
9. Unfortunately - McCarthy ( September Recs 1987 )
10. The Centre Of My Little World - Another Sunny Day ( Sarah Recs 1988 )
( duration 31 mins, 320kps mp3 )
Like I said, plenty of b sides - the Choo Choo Train track is the B side to the "High" single, the Motorcycle Boy is the flip of "Big Rock Candy Mountain", the Jack Rubies is the B of "Lobster", The McCarthy song is from the "Well Of Loneliness" single and finally Another Sunny Day is the third song on the ep with the A side being "I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist"
podcast 3 link 1

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