Mmm ? A palandrome of sorts ??
I seem to have a billion Bodines singles don't I ? Whatever they're all ace.
And I chose the bside to Wah! because it's a "talking song" and ever since Convoy I've been rather partial to a "talking song" ( lol ).
The Joey Vincent thing is a moniker of Joe Camilleri aka Jo Jo Zep aka the front dude of The Black Sorrows. This particular single was from a box set of 5 songs on Joe's own indie label called Mighty Records, which featured himself and other members of his then band The Falcons doing solo projects under various aliases. Nosey Parker ( b/w Lovin' You) & was Joe living out his reggae fantasies to the max. On ya Jo Jo :)
The Surf Drums is another b-side...last time they were here ( on podcast 16 ) I also chose the b-side, both times reminding myself that "back in the day" I was much the same, not liking the A-side as much. Even if both singles were produced by old Slaughter Joe himself (Foster ).
Another weird co-incidence to partner the double Hollow Heart experience of today is that The Sparklers appeared in the pile, being the band Peter Oxley formed with his little sis Melanie after the demise of The Sunnyboys ( who I couldn't help but bung on about last podcast ).
I have also done a "copycat" podcast to the ones on this blog on my other blog Humans Beware, chosing only 7" singles ( and one rogue 12" ) the difference between here and there is I was in control of the selection over there, rather than leaving it to total chance like I do here. Anyway over on the other side there are singles from The Violets, Strange Idols, Fields, Celestial, Apple Orchard, Tillmans, Hot Chip, Dreams End, My Darling You! and Panda Bears.
The other difference is that those singles are all recent purchases and kept elsewhere other than the famous "sideroom" from which I have so happily drawn upon for this blog. But the different rooms and different storage areas for my records is something for the Japanese tour groups to discover.
Meantime, here is
Podcast 22 - link 1

Sideroom 7 Inch Singles Podcast #22
1. Hollow Heart - The Weather Prophets ( Creation 1988 )
2. Slip Slide - The Bodines ( Magnet 1987 )
3. The Story Of The Blues ( pt 2 ) - Wah! ( Eternal 1982)
4. Life Of Crime - The Flatmates ( Subway 1987)
5. Nosey Parker - Joey Vincent ( Mighty Recs Aust 1980 )
6. All There Is - Surf Drums ( Kaleidoscope 1987 )
7. Merry Go Round - The Sparklers ( Mighty Boy Aus 1987 )
8. Run For Your Life - Sweet William ( Matinee 1997 )
9. New Age - Pauline Murray & The Storm ( Polestar 1986 )
10. Hollow Heart - Birdland ( Lazy 1989 )
( duration 29 mins, 320kps mp3 )